
What is the best whole house water treatment system for well water?

old wooden bucket lies on a concrete well with water

Why Water Purification is Necessary

We’ve talked about water purification in the past, and while that is good for homes in the city or rural areas, it may not be enough for homes on well water. Treatment for those homes usually needs just a bit more water purification and treatment than city homes. 

Since our bodies are 60% water, water is a necessity to live. Water is involved in several body functions that are essential in regulating our body temperature and flushing out toxins. Additionally, water protects our body tissues, joints, and spinal cord. Water is also a natural resource, and if you haven’t heard, our natural resources are all under pressure today. With climate change, pollution, and a constant, rapidly growing population, it is hard for those natural resources to keep up with demand. That includes our tap water, unfortunately. 

No longer can we assume the tap water coming into our home is safe for consumption. Harmful contaminants have been found in our drinking water and with the chemical, microbiological and physical found in the water sources today, water purification is more important than ever, as is well water treatment. 

How does a well water treatment system work?

Before buying a well water treatment system, test the water in your home. This will tell you what and how many contaminants there are if any. Clean drinking water is achieved differently with the different well water treatment options available today. There are well water treatment and filtration systems that filter heavy metals and others that filter bacteria. 

Choosing a whole-house filtration system for well water treatment is recommended, and can be any of the following: 

  • Activated Carbon. This type of well water treatment will essentially filter absorbed contaminants and prevent them from passing on through the filter. This type of system will remove bacteria, ions, lead, and pesticides. 
  • Resin. A resin filter well water treatment system will remove iron and has a longer lifespan than other filters and will maintain an adequate water flow.
  • Reverse osmosis. By the use of pressure and a semipermeable membrane, this well water filtration system removed fluoride and heavy metals but does not remove organic contaminants or pesticides.
  • Water ionizer. With an electrical charge, this type of water purification and well water treatment will filter heavy metals and pesticides. 
  • UV filters. With ultraviolet light, this water filtration system kills bacteria but doesn’t remove other contaminants for drinking water.
  • Infrared filters. Using heat and light, this water system softens water, ideal for well water treatment in homes with hard water. It will kill bacteria, but not other contaminants that affect drinking water, making it less than ideal for homes on well water.

Some water purification and well water treatment systems use multiple filters. Like a combination of a UV filter with an activated carbon filter. There are stages that filters use to remove contaminants to get the clean drinking water you want, too. 

What is the best treatment for well water?

Most private water wells lack any safety mechanisms that test and maintain the water for drinkability. Chemicals and other substances that are found in well water that can cause harm are: 

  • Arsenic
  • Fluoride
  • Manganese
  • Nitrates
  • Sediment

The three most recommended systems for well water treatment are: 

  1. Activated Carbon Filtration System: This is the most common for filtering material in residential water filters. It eliminates chlorine, lead, VOCs (volatile organic compounds),and other substances often found in well water supply. They will not remove bacteria, dissolved minerals, or nitrates.
  2. Reverse Osmosis: This system forces water through a membrane that is semipermeable and separates the impurities from the purified water. This is an effective well water treatment for areas with hard water and high mineral content. It will remove nitrates and petrochemicals but does not remove chlorine, pesticides, or radon.
  3. Water Softener: This will provide well water treatment for areas with hard water and a high mineral count. It can also help plumbing fixtures, pipes, and appliances by removing calcium and magnesium and replacing it with sodium. It will not remove hard metals, microorganisms, or pesticides.

What is a whole house water treatment system?

Instead of filtering water at the point of use, a whole house water treatment system is installed where the water enters the house. In this manner, it is treating all the water that comes in and not just the water where the filtration system is installed. 

How can I naturally purify my well water?

With all these high-tech ways of well water treatment and water purification, you may wonder, can well water be treated naturally?  We have to remember at one point, the world was cleaner and so was the air and water. Mankind has done a number on the Earth and its natural resources, but yes, there are natural well water treatments: 

1. Sunlight will take what looks like clean water and make it cleaner. Use a natural resource to clean a natural resource. Heat and solar radiation can destroy pathogens that cause water-borne illnesses. 

2. Boiling water is a camping classic and if you have a pot and stove, you can boil your water clean. 

3. Gravity is a viable option for filtering well water. Use a container for water to drain from as you pour it in at the top. Place layers of activated charcoal, sand, and small gravel and as the water pours through those layers, it removes the pathogens. 

modern groundwater well with pvc pipe

In Closing 

So, now you want to know, “How to remove salt from my well water?” There are well water treatment options that will remove chloride and sodium, like distillation and reverse osmosis. A water well and water purification specialist can be of great help in these areas.  

Who installs well water filtration systems? Most plumbers are able to install water well treatment systems and water purification systems. An internet search will give you multiple choices, and you’ll want to explain your situation and needs. If they are not equipped, they can often refer you to somebody.

Can chlorine in water make you sick?

Underwater view of pool.

Why do we put chlorine in water?

Sometimes, you can get too much of a good thing, like overeating at Thanksgiving, being out in the sun too long, or like having chlorine in water. Yes, while it is needed, having too much chlorine in water is bad for you. So, how much chlorine in water is safe? According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), consuming as much as four milligrams per liter is considered safe for drinking. Any amount higher than that is at risk of being harmful. 

What are the results of chlorine in water and health effects to humans? 

There is chlorine in the water of swimming pools. So, if you have ever swum in a swimming pool, there’s a good chance you swallowed some water. You may have felt a little sick to your stomach after a long day in the pool, but it wasn’t enough to be harmful. 

In the 1800s, it was discovered that the water people were drinking was making them sick. Cholera, dysentery, and typhoid were discovered to be waterborne diseases that were causing many of the illnesses. This is why chlorine was added to minimize the rates of those getting sick from drinking water. While the initial introduction of chlorine in water as a disinfectant did lower the rates of disease in city-dwellers safely, if it was not diluted enough, even being non-toxic, that chlorine in water had harmful effects, 

Still today, ingesting too much chlorine in the water from the tap can have several harmful health effects because of the THMs (trihalomethanes) that can occur. THMs are the results of tiny particles forming in chlorinated water, a chemical compound that causes the following: 

  • Asthmatic Symptoms: Exposure to chlorine in water of swimming pools has shown an association with increased symptoms of asthma in swimmers, including swimmers that never had any indication of asthma before. Even the water you bathe in, there is chlorine in water that is absorbed into your skin and the chlorinated steam is breathed in as well, both aggravating asthmatic symptoms.
  • Food Allergies: Chlorine in water has been proven to create a food allergy effect because of the dichlorophenols found in the water. Dichlorophenols are also found in pesticides. Some participants with a high level of dichlorophenols during studies were noted to have the highest amount of food allergies. The studies were performed with the dichlorophenols in pesticides, not chlorinated water, but the effects were similar.
  • Congenital Abnormalities: In Taiwan, approximately 400,000 individuals were part of a study that found women exposed to trihalomethanes in the chlorine in water while pregnant at a higher rate of giving birth to children with birth defects like a cleft palate, ventricular septal defects, or a hole in the heart that affected their brain development.
  • Cancer: THM products found in chlorine in water was discovered to be a potential for contracting cancer of the bladder and rectum in a 1995 study. Chlorine in water was said to have accounted for 5,000 cases of bladder cancer and 8,000 cases of rectal cancer in the United States annually. A slight connection between carcinogenesis and chlorine in water was found possible but the link wasn’t confirmed and is still being studied. 

Why use chlorine in water treatment? 

For all the bad things that chlorine in water can cause, it comes from a natural product, ordinary salt, and is an essential mineral. It has improved, even saving billions of lives. Chlorine in water is essential as a chemical building block that makes water safe for consumption. From the food and water we consume to the medications we take, even our cellphones and computers depend on chlorine. 

If not for chlorine in water, we would still have people dying from cholera, dysentery, and typhoid today. So, when we wonder, what is chlorine in water for anyway, it eliminates the algae and other aquatic life that we don’t need to consume by being added to raw water. Otherwise, the microorganisms that are healthy for human consumption can also be found in that raw water with pathogens that are not good for human consumption. 

Too much chlorine in water is determined by what methods? 

So we know simply by swimming in a pool that chlorine is needed to disinfect the water. It is also used for disinfecting emergency water supplies. Today, it is considered to still be the best and safest way to make water safe for consumption. However, as we mentioned in the beginning, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. 

This means that if there are illnesses happening in your home, then testing the amount of chlorine in water is needed. A quick and simple way is with a DPD indicator test (diethyl paraphenylene diamine) a comparator. One tablet of DPD added to a water sample will turn the water red. 

The level of the color is measured against a chart of standard colors that give us the concentration level of chlorine in water. The deeper color of red, the higher the concentration of chlorine in water.

Do we know how chlorine dissolves in water?

Chlorine in water can be removed by an activate charcoal filter. The surface of the charcoal will absorb the chlorine ions as the water runs through. 

What happens when chlorine water is exposed to sunlight?

With exposure to sunlight, chlorine in water reacts by form HCIO (hypochlorous acid) which breaks down into hydrochloric acid & oxygen gas. The result is the colorless and odorless gas of oxygen and hydrochloric acid.

Young woman drinking a glass of water.

In Closing – Just What Does Chlorine in Water Smell Like?

If you’ve swam in a pool that has recently had chlorine added, you know the smell. 

It is a bleach-like odor. With a freshly chlorinated pool, your eyes will typically burn a little until you’ve become accustomed to the water and the chlorine disinfects the water. If you are seeking help with cleaning up chlorine in water in Leander, TX reach out to Ozone Pure Water at 800-633-8469.

The Facts On Carbon Water Filter Replacement

Installation of Water Filtration System

How often should carbon water filters be changed?

Nothing is as refreshing as a cool glass of water. However, it almost goes without saying that tap water doesn’t always taste great. That’s why so many people have turned to carbon water filtration systems. Not only do they make your water taste better, but they can also make it safer to use. 

However, once you have a carbon water filter installed there are some things you’re going to want to keep in mind, including when your carbon water filter needs to be replaced. A good rule of thumb is to replace your carbon water filter every six months to a year. Additionally, to keep your water safe to use and of the best quality possible, you shouldn’t go more than a year without changing the filter. 

When you need carbon water filter replacement near Leander, TX, Ozone Pure Water has the best solutions for you. Call us today at 800-633-8469 or read on to learn more.

How long does a carbon water filter last?

You have plenty of reasons to pay attention to the lifespan of your carbon water filter. You want to be certain the water filter you’re using is doing its job, but you don’t want to purchase a carbon filter for your water if you don’t need it. 

As a starting point to figure out how long a carbon water filter will last, look at the information provided to you by the seller. Many will give you a basic idea of its lifespan. This includes how many gallons you can expect it to filter safely and about how many months you’ll be able to use it. It’s also important to realize the lifespan of a carbon water filter will change based on the contaminants in your water. Those with poor water conditions will want to replace their water filter more often. 

What does a carbon water filter remove?

Speaking of contaminants, you may already be wondering exactly what a carbon water filter can remove. These filters are highly effective and can get rid of many common impurities found in water. This includes chlorine and chlorine by-products, which are often added to water. Carbon water filters remove various herbicides and pesticides as well for improved safety overall. On top of all this, they are highly effective at removing sediment and other particles that can be found in water. 

What happens if you don’t change a water filter?

Everybody can get a bit lazy when it comes to taking care of basic household tasks, and changing the water filter is no exception. However, it’s a good idea to set a reminder and make sure you change your water filter when it’s time. The way a carbon water filter works means it will not work as well over time. 

How does a carbon water filter work?

A carbon water filter works by pulling in a variety of contaminants. Over time, it can become filled with too many contaminants to work properly. This can keep it from working at all, which means your carbon water filter system isn’t doing its job. 

How a Carbon Water Filter Works

There is one important word to remember when it comes to how a carbon water filter works: adsorption. And no, that’s not a typo. Adsorption is a different process from absorption, forcing contaminants to cling to the filter like Velcro. 

You should also remember that different types of carbon can be used in carbon water filters. The type of carbon can make a big difference in the way a filter works. Types of carbon found in filters include: 

  • Granular activated carbon 
  • Carbon block
  • Radial flow carbon

Is a carbon water filter safe?

Have you ever wondered whether carbon water filters are really safe to use? If so, here is one important thing to remember. Not only are carbon water filters completely safe to use, they can also make your water much healthier overall. While they remove common impurities, they won’t remove important minerals such as calcium and magnesium. 

Will a carbon water filter remove lead?

Unfortunately, lead is still a common concern when it comes to the safety of the water we use. It is just one of the reasons so many people now use carbon water filters in their homes. However,  not all carbon water filters remove lead. Only carbon water filters made with the right type of carbon in the right amount can help ensure your water is entirely lead-free. 

Can a carbon water filter be cleaned?

One of the great things about carbon is how durable it is. This durability means you can easily clean a carbon water filter if needed. To do so, simply turn off the water filter system and remove the water filter from its housing. After that, soak it in distilled water for about a half-hour, shake off any debris on the filter, and give it a good rinse and wipe it down. It can then be put back into place without any need for drying. However, remember that even with cleaning, a carbon water filter will not work as well over time. You should only clean a water filter two or three times before replacing it. 

Young Girl Pouring Tap Water

Buying a Carbon Water Filter for the Whole House

People often imagine water pitchers and smaller filtration systems when thinking of carbon water filters. However, you can now purchase a carbon water filtration system capable of keeping all of the water in your home fresh and clean. These systems are affordable and easy to use in addition to being healthier. Whether you need a system installed or you’re looking for everything necessary for carbon water filter replacement near Leander, TX, Ozone Pure Water is here to help. Call now at 800-633-8469.

Are Home Water Filtration Systems Worth It?

water filtration system

What does a water filtration system do?

Is the water in your home safe, really safe and healthy? We assume to easily that our government has set up standards that make our water safe, but is it really? Part of life is realizing even under the strictest guidelines and restrictions, there can be a weak spot that lets the unwanted through. Which is why having a whole house water treatment system installed is a smart decision. 

The water coming out of your faucets has traveled a journey before it got there. It originated from a lake or river, or maybe it came from a well dug into the ground somewhere. Then it went through a treatment process at a government approved water treatment center. 

Unfortunately, while that treatment removed many unhealthy and unwanted contaminants, it picked up some others along that journey. Things like dirt, contaminants, and particulates, things that can make your water taste funny and smell. That is why you and your family can benefit from a whole house water treatment system. 

A whole house water treatment system, often referred to as the point-of-entry tap. This system is installed at the main water line before it enters your home. From there, the water filtration system benefits are numerous. Take a look what a whole house water treatment system can offer your family: 

  1. Constant safer drinking water. With a whole house water treatment system, you can be sure that the water coming into your home will be healthier and safer tap water and  even better than bottled water. Unfiltered water from treatment centers still has a level of lead in addition to the chemicals they add like chlorine and fluoride. A whole house water treatment system will remove those things and more than 2,000 other impurities and toxins
  2. Environmentally Friendly. A whole house water treatment system  will eliminate your share of the fifty billon plastic water bottles that ended un in American landfills last year. Did you know it takes up to 450 years for a plastic water bottle to disintegrate? 
  3. Minimize skin conditions. A whole house water treatment system  will remove things like chlorine, fluoride, and other heavy metal substances are known to aggravate eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions.  
  4. Save money. For a household that keeps bottled water around, having a whole house water treatment system will save you big money. With a household of 4 drinking 3 bottles of water each day, you’re spending at least $700 a year in bottled water. A whole house water treatment system can cost your up to $500 and nothing more other than replacing the filter every so often, usually less than $50, and your usual water bill. 
  5. Minimize plumbing repair bills. With a whole house water treatment system , your plumbing bills will be minimized because the things that damage plumbing will be filtered out. Those chemicals, heavy metals, and minerals that aren’t good for you, aren’t good for the plumbing system in your home either. Think beyond the faucet and consider the damage happening to your dish washer, ice maker, washing machine, even the garbage disposal. 
  6. Disaster preparedness.  When the city or county has sewer lines bursting, it leaves your plumbing vulnerable for contamination. However, with a whole house water treatment system, your water is protected! 
  7. Soap saver. An whole house water treatment system does much of the same things that a water softener does, so you won’t need to double up on the soap for baths, cleaning, or laundry. The minerals that will make water hard is prevented by a whole house water treatment system. 
  8. Better tasting drinking water. A whole house water treatment system will remove elements that is causing your drinking water to smell bad and taste bad. The bacteria, chlorine, and lead are removed, giving you healthy, purified, safe water with lower pH levels. 
  9. Gastrointestinal disease risk reduced. There are many parasites found in unfiltered water along with many microscopic organisms. With a whole house water treatment system, those things are removed and minimizes the possibilities of your family suffering with aggravated  digestive and  intestinal problems.
  10. Remove deposits of soap scum from clothes. With a whole house water treatment system , the chemicals in your tap water that leave soap scum deposits and residue are gone. This eliminates the possibilities of allergies and  rashes forming. 

Do whole home water filters work, and what is the best water filtration system?

A whole house water treatment system can come in an assortment of filter media. Choosing from the carbon filter, the reverse osmosis, or the advanced next-generation filter technology.  The carbon-based, 3 stage whole house water treatment system  is the most economical choice from the point of purchase to the maintenance factor. 

Most carbon-based whole house water treatment system can be found for under $800, and you’ll get up to 300,000 gallons from it before the main tank should be replaced. This will give a household of 4 about 3 year of use before the replacement.  

What’s the difference between a water softener and water filtration system?

The difference between water filtration system vs water softener is what they do.  The water filter system is going to remove contaminants from the water coming you’re your home, giving you safer water to consume. A  water softener will remove the minerals that cause water to be hard and leave scales and scum behind. from the water that causes hardness and scale.

water filtration system

Does water filtration systems increase home value?

Certainly! Especially if the area where a home is located is known for hard water with high content of minerals.  Anyone concerned with the health and well-being of their family will appreciate the added value of a whole house water treatment system  already installed.

After reading our piece you may be asking yourself, “Do I really need a whole house water filter?”, and while it may not be the law, it could be the difference of your family living a healthier and longer life.  A water filtration system for home will filter the contaminants that your body is absorbing through your skin. By having a whole house water treatment system installed in your home, the entire house will have access to clean, healthy, safe water. Call 800-633-8469 today for your water filtration installation in Leander, TX.

What is an Ozonator?

ozonator from ozone pure water

What are Ozonators?

Yes, exactly what is an Ozonator? Well, believe it or not, ozonators are machines that purify the environment inside a structure. Ozonators main objective is to naturally disinfect and purify the air and water, without generating waste as it does. It is a respectful way of improving the environment with antiseptic properties and is used domestically and industrially.

A medical definition of ozonators an apparatus or device that generates ozone and diffuses it into a room’s atmosphere, which at this time, has not proven to have any medical or therapeutic benefits. It is also defined as an apparatus or device that produces ozone with an electrical brush-discharge into the air and is found useful in hot tubs. 

Will Ozonators kill bacteria?

Through case studies, it has been confirmed that ozonators eliminate both inorganic and organic material, ending the life of fungi, microorganisms, and viruses. Viruses such as MRSA are eliminated with ozonators, as well as destroy the SARS coronavirus with ozone gas. While SARS is similar to the COVID 19 virus, Ozonators have not been proven to eliminate the bacteria and germs that are linked to the latest cause of today’s pandemic. 

Will ozone kill mold?

Ozonators, also referred to as ozone generators, are used for killing bacteria, mildew, and mold by professionals. When needed to blast or shock treat an area, Ozonators are used commercially, such in mold remediation, and in renovation and restoration projects. 

Ozonators are sold to consumers as an air cleaner, air ionizer, or air purifier that will disinfectant or deodorize a room in their home, or a whole house. For commercial purposes and industrial purposes, ozone is required in a high concentrated level and Ozonators should only be used in unoccupied spaces. Applications where Ozonators are used include: 

  • Mold Remediation – Mold spore and physical contact is required in most mold treatment processes as the ozone travels through the air and permeable materials. Because ozone in a high concentration can permanently kill mold, Ozonators or ozone generators are common pieces of equipment for contractors working mold remediation. Air scrubbers and commercial humidifiers are used in combination with Ozonators to provide an effective solution to mold remediation.
  • Smoke and Odor Removal – Ozonators are used for removing fire and tobacco smells as well as other indoor odors. The device changes the composition of smoke and odorous molecules, then dissipates the pungent smells.

Are Ozonators dangerous?

The answer will depend on who you ask. Manufacturers of Ozonators or ozone generators see these as air purifiers for indoor spaces and their marketing declares them to effective and safe. As more of us become concerned with the air we breathe, indoors and outdoors, Ozonators have increased in popularity. 

For a homeowner that is seeking a way to sanitize the air in their home, remove cooking or tobacco odors, Ozonators are helpful in these situations for occupied spaces like the bedroom, living room, or kitchen.  When manufactured by the EPA and OSHA guidelines, they are perfectly safe. 

Do Ozonators really work?

Most homeowners will tell you yes, they work and are helpful in cleaning the air in their home. However, if you are still uncertain that Ozonators are the way to go for you, there are other methods that are effective and simple for cleaning the indoor air pollution in your home: 

  • Remove and replaced materials and products that cause indoor air pollution
  • If no replacement material or  product is available, store the polluting items elsewhere
  • If removing the source isn’t possible, reduce its strength
  • Do not allow smoking in your home.
  • Clean moist and wet  surfaces frequently to prevent bacterial and mold growth.
  • Fix plumbing leaks promptly and allow the area to completely dry before sealing it off.
  • Keep bathroom doors closed and make sure clothes dryer is vented outside.

Are pool Ozonators worth it?

Ozonators and pools are not a recommended combination. Because Ozone has a short lifespan and cannot be stored for use later, Ozonators are not an ideal or practical device for a home with a swimming pool. Ozonators to have the potential for good performance in eliminating odors inside the home though, but when it comes to the contaminants related to swimming pools and those in the pool, there can be dangerous. 

water pouring into glass

Can Ozonators be bad?

Ozone has the potential of be dangerous when combined with other chemicals or alone, especially when inhaled. Even a relatively low amount of ozone has been known to cause chest pain, coughing, and shortness of breath with throat irritation. Since Ozonators create ozone, they should be used with utmost attention to these issues and remove the device if they occur or become worse.

While we want to breathe fresher air in our homes, Ozonators may or may not be the answer to every home. Using the information we have provided here, like removing materials and products that create odors, forbid smoking in the home, opening windows and using vent fans may be the healthier way to live. Call 800-633-8469 today for your ozonator installation in Leander, TX.

Which is the Best Water Softener?

water softener

Which is the Best Water Softener?

Water softeners perform an important service. Yet the question remains: which is the best water softener for your home or property? According to a leading website, the best buy of 2020 is the AFWFilters 5600sxt-48k-10 Water Softener. If you have well water with iron in it, then the Fleck Iron Pro 2 Water Softener will be beneficial. The best salt-based water softener is the Fleck 5600sxt BR8 Water Softener. In order to find out which water softener will best work out for you, it is beneficial for you to set up a professional consultation with a plumbing or water filtration company that specializes in water softeners in your area.

Is a Water Softener Worth It?

Are you wondering whether or not a water softener will really be worth it for your household? With the help of Contractor SEO Webmasters, we are providing a quick primer regarding the benefits of water softening, please review the following bullet points.

  • Soft water can increase the lifespan and performance of your appliances.
  • Introducing a water softener prevents scale build-up in the pipes and on faucets. 
  • Your hot water heater won’t have to work as hard. As a matter of fact, you can save up to twenty-seven percent on energy expenditures in the space of just a year.
  • Soft water introduces better cleaning power. Your soaps will lather better and last longer. Household cleaners are more effective.

What Does a Water Softener Do to the Water?

A water softener is a filtration system that actually works to remove the high concentrations of minerals that cause hard water. Minerals that cause hard water include calcium and magnesium. When the natural water that comes out of a tap flows through a water softener, the system filters out these hard water minerals. The softened water then exits the water softening system to flow through the plumbing in the home.

What are the Disadvantages of a Water Softener

Are you wondering what the disadvantages are of a water softener? The answer may surprise you. The major disadvantage to having a water softener belongs to people who are on low sodium diets. Apparently the exchange of hardness minerals for sodium adds seven point five milligrams per quart for each gpg of hardness that is removed. Additionally, calcium and magnesium will be eliminated from the homeowner’s diet.

Is It OK to Drink Softened Water?

Softened water has the benefit of being good for your appliances and for general cleaning purposes. Yet the question remains as to whether or not it is good for your health. To this end, there has not been any official verdict that states whether softened water is a problem or whether or it is safe to drink. Softened water doesn’t have unhealthy amounts of sodium. The bottom line is that most people can very safely drink soft or hard water with no side effects. Higher sodium levels in soft water can be a concern for some, but that can be managed with a potassium-based water softening system.

Why Water Softener is Used

Water softeners are used to soften water by removing the minerals that cause water to be hard. Hard water contains excessive levels of magnesium and calcium. Hard water has a detrimental effect of clogging pipes in the plumbing system. It also causes harm to household appliances like dishwashers and laundry machines. Water softeners eliminate the hard minerals from water and improve the function and efficiency of the home. 

Why Water Softener

You may be wondering if a water softener would truly help you if you have hard water. The reality is simple. Yes, a water softener will help you in both the short and long term. This is because installing a water softener will not only help improve the efficiency of your home, but the impact is measurable. Your hot water and heating systems see a loss of twelve percent in heating efficiency with hard water. With soft water, you will see a truly positive impact on the function of your systems.

What is Water Softener Salt

Water softener salt is most commonly made of sodium chloride, also known as NaCl. It is similar to the salt that is used for cooking food. Water softener salt can also be made out of potassium chloride, but that is less common.

water softener

Will Water Softener Remove Chlorine

Unfortunately, water softeners do not remove chlorine. If chlorine is a problem in your water system, you can seek out a professional water filtration specialist to provide some necessary adjustments for your water filtration system. He or she will have a number of options that will benefit your home systems’ longevity and productivity.

If you would like to discuss installing a water softener in Leander, TX, we are here to help. If you would like to speak with us, we are available at our phone number, 800-633-8469.

Can water filters remove chlorine?

Water faucet with a drip

Chlorine in the water

Chlorine and water. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? They add chlorine to swimming pools, but when it is drinking water, we use water chlorine removal processes and/or products. What is the difference? Why is chlorine good in one case, but not another?

In 1744, they discovered chlorine in Sweden, and by 1835 and it was being used to rid the water of odors from it was thought by many to be responsible for the spread of various diseases. In 1890, it was discovered that chlorine was effective in disinfecting and reduce diseases being transmitted by water. Great Britain, the United States, and Canada would follow suit soon after. Today, it is still a popular choice for disinfecting is to use chlorination.

Yet, confusing as it may be, too much chlorine can be harmful, thus the use of water purifier chlorine removal process we have today. Water straight from its natural source is full of harmful microorganisms. When chlorine is dissolved in water, it breaks them down and disinfects the water, making it safe to drink?

How is chlorine in water harmful to us if it disinfects it?  They have found a relationship between cancer and chlorine in studies by the U.S. Council of Environmental Quality. Those who drink chlorinated water have a 93% higher risk of cancer than those who don’t have chlorinated water. Therefore, it has become important for many areas to have a water chlorine removal process in the water purifying systems.

Other ways that chlorine has been found to be harmful to humans is:

A Children’s Health Hazard

Different studies have found that consuming chlorinated water and otherwise long-term exposure can increase the chances of asthmatic attacks, particularly in children that have weak or underdeveloped airway systems. It has also been related to asthmatic issues in adults with the following symptoms being noted after showering:

  • Mild nose and throat irritation
  • Sneezing
  • Weak coughing
  • Tightness in chest

Cell Damage

Chlorine causes damage to living organisms and has been described as a pesticide. It destroys our body’s cells and tissues.

Heart Problems

Water supplies that have chlorine added can pose serious cardio-vascular threats.

Now we have chlorine removal water softener available to us to make water safer for consumption. The process uses GAC (granular activated carbon) to remove chlorine and water chlorine removal when added to a water softener resin bed at the preliminary stages of softening hard water.

What type of chlorine is used for drinking water?

So, we know that chlorine is a good thing in water, yet it can be a bad thing too. While we need chlorination for disinfecting drinking water and kill germs, it must be done at a level that is safe. There are three types of chlorine:

  • Compressed Elemental Gas: Also referred to as Chlorine gas that is an amber color and is heavier than water. Different amounts are used based on the water quality that is to be treated.
  • Sodium Hypochlorite Solution: This is where the chlorine odor comes from and has the compound of chlorine that makes it good as a disinfectant.
  • Solid Calcium Hypochlorite: This is a hypochlorous acid that is extremely dangerous, causing corrosion if activated too strong, which is they use why little of it to for water chlorine removal.

Does boiling water remove chlorine?

Chlorine water boiling removed after fifteen-minutes of boiling, but not chloramine.  This is a faster proves than waiting for it to reach room temperature to achieve the same results. However, it is using a source of energy and the time it takes for the water to reach the boiling point may not be any faster than waiting for room temperature for the water chlorine removal process.

Does water filter remove chlorine?

The average chlorine filter will remove as much as 97% of chlorine, some high-grade performing filters remove more than 99%, but none remove 100% of water chlorine removal. Experts reassure us that the insignificant amount of chlorine left can’t be smelled, tasted, or affect our hair and skin.

Water faucet filling a glass

Does the fridge filter remove chlorine?

Or do refrigerator filters even do any good at all? A common question when homeowners are considering purchasing a refrigerator with a filter water dispenser or an add-on water filtration system. While the filters you add to your kitchen sink faucet are better than nothing, they are not as effective in water chlorine removal or other chemicals as the filters in a refrigerator or a filtered water pitcher.

Unfiltered water can contain different contaminants, such as chlorine, lead, rust, and sediment. Most refrigerator water filters have activated carbon that works at water chlorine removal and other contaminants. The carbon is like a magnet for contaminants, and the filter traps those particles. When the water comes out of the filter, it is cleaner and particle-free.

How do you purify chlorinated water for drinking?

As we mentioned earlier, the water filter in a refrigerator water dispenser has a carbon-filled filter that will provide as much as 97% water chlorine removal and other organic compounds, odors, synthetic organic chemicals, odors, and tastes.  Somewhat new on the market is the premium five-stage filtration system. It works better at reducing more contaminates that the standard two-stage filtration systems.

Chlorine Is Good For Us – In Moderation

It is important to remember that we need some chlorine in our water today just as much, maybe than they did in 1744 Sweden. With the chemical output of factories and homes these days, wouldn’t you hate to know what would be in the water you bathed in, cooked with, and drank? However, water chlorine removal is just as important so that we don’t get overdosed with it either, as it can have ill effects, even deadly, if not used with caution. Call 800-633-8469 today for your water filtration installation in Leander, TX.

What is Ozone Water Treatment?

Drink Water. Woman's Hand Pouring Fresh Pure Water From Pitcher Into A Glass. Health And Diet Concept. Healthy Lifestyle. Healthcare And Beauty. Hydratation.

Learn More About Ozone Water Treatment

Your water is an important source of hydration yet there are many contaminants that can be swimming in them as they make their way from city water facilities, down main lines, and into your dwelling. In order to combat the bacteria that are prevalent in the water, there are several strategies that are put in place to treat water. Ozone water treatment is just one of many solutions for water purification out there that could work for your property. Ultimately, it’s best to get your water tested by a professional and discuss what options would work best based on your water quality. Consult your local water treatment company for available services, until then, here is some general information with ozone water treatment that may prove useful to you.

How is ozone generated for water treatment?

Ozone is produced when oxygen (O2) molecules are taken away from an energy source and put into oxygen atoms. These atoms then collide with the oxygen molecule to form a gas that is unstable (O3) which is what is used to disinfect wastewater.

What happens to ozone in water?

With ozone added to water a chain of reactions occurs, which is complex that involves radicals like hydroxyl (OH) which is stronger than ozone itself. Oxidation with molecular ozone is slower than oxidation with hydroxyl radicals which happens very fast.

How does ozone kill bacteria in water?

Ozone water treatment will oxidize organic materials inside bacterial membranes by weakening the cell wall leading to cell rupture. This will expose the cell to the environment which will ultimately cause the immediate death of the cell. The ozonation standard for killing most organisms is a three minute contact time of maintaining 0.3 ppm.

Taking a water test for analysis from a reservoir

Does ozone water treatment kill bacteria?

  • Bacteria as well as
  • Cryptosporidium
  • Fungi
  • Giardia
  • Microbes
  • Molds 
  • Parasites
  • Giardia

Is ozonated water healthy?

Ozone water treatment is healthy and shown to possess antibacterial effects. Direct inhalation of O3 is what’s dangerous with side-effects that emerge which is why in order to heighten both safety and effectiveness ozone dissolved in water.

Why do they put ozone in water?

In order to remove harmful microorganisms and to disinfect water, ozone water treatment can be implemented to mineral or spring waters. It can also be effective in removing flavors and odors as it breaks them down into oxygen which can improve taste and other aspects.

Ozone Water Treatment for Plants

Ozone water treatment for plants is often a good idea as they will increase the level of oxygen in the water. As oxygen-enriched water will ultimately feed the plant it’s development will be improved in growth and health.

How much ozone is used in water treatment?

There is a required amount of ozone is .44 mg ozone/mg Fe. With drinking water Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) is often removed in order to make water have a better taste.

Is ozone treated water safe to drink?

Ozone water is safe to consume and it can also be used for pool and hot tubs. 

Ozone Water Purification for Swimming Pools

Ozone water treatment can be a viable alternative option when you’re looking for a disinfectant for your pool. It can be used to replace the bromine and chlorine disinfection chemicals. Ozone has the advantage of having the environment of the swimming pool increase dramatically.

Does ozone change pH water?

Ozone water treatment won’t affect the pH of water, it will instead oxidize the contaminants which are causing an adjusted pH.

Ozone Water Treatment for Hot Tubs

A hot tub ozonator is the device that’s typically used to generate and inject ozone gas into the spa water. What this will do is reduce the number of chemicals in the water as well as take away impurities in order to keep the water clear and conditions enjoyable.

How is ozone removed from water?

Ozone is removed from water by UV light which will quickly break or dissociate the oxygen bonds in the ozone molecule. With this UV energy ozone will be catalyzed into oxygen.

Contact A Professional For Assistance

If you’re looking to improve your water with ozone water treatment your local water treatment company will be able to provide you with the services that you need. It’s important to stay healthy and hydrated no matter the season, and with cleaner water, you’ll benefit from a better taste and mindset. With all of the options available for water treatment make sure to weigh them out to see what may work more optimally for your property. You may even be able to combine different water treatment and purification systems for heightened clean water. See what may be able to work for your property’s specifications with a professional. If ozone water treatment sounds right for you, go ahead and make the move for better water today.

If you’re interested in ozone water treatment in Leander, TX call 800-633-8469 with Ozone Pure Water!

How to Test Water Quality

Free water testing

Water Test Kit

If you’re like most homeowners, access to fresh, clean water is crucial for your lifestyle. Finding a dependable water testing kit may be a good way to move forward. But which one is most accurate? Ultimately, there are many different water testing kits on the market. One kit that has been highly rated for well water is the Watersafe Well Water Test Kit. According to reviews, this well water testing kit has high efficacy and easy-to-read testing strips that have ranges for each contaminant that is tested. For drinking water, a highly recommended testing kit is the Baldwin Meadows 9-in-1 Drinking Water Test Kit. For the best results, however, it is recommended to select a licensed and insured plumbing company that specializes in water contamination testing.

One of the most important systems that run through a home is plumbing. Free water testing is valuable because it helps homeowners to understand more about the water quality that flows through their faucets. 

How to Test Water Quality

There are a number of different ways for the water in your home to be tested. One of these ways is by purchasing a water quality testing kit. Another way to test your drinking water is to get it tested at a laboratory that is accredited by the Department of Environmental Protection, also known by the acronym, DEP. There is a repository of DEP-accredited labs that are available on the Department of Environmental Protection website. Elements and pollutants that show up during water quality tests include chemicals, hardness, arsenic, metals, E. coli, nitrate, coliform bacteria, and lead or copper.

Drinking-Water Test Lab

In order for a laboratory to be approved to test the water by the EPA, they must follow a certain set of guidelines that must be met. For instance, laboratories must be certified by the state or the EPA in order to analyze drinking water samples for compliance monitoring. Laboratories must also successfully analyze proficiency testing (PT) examples at least once annually for each method. They must also analyze each method for the desired certification. The laboratory must also use the accepted methodology. Periodically, such laboratories must also pass on-site audits.

Water Tester

It’s important for all individuals to recognize that water is always at risk of being contaminated with harmful bacteria. People use water for a wide variety of purposes. Water is used for household tasks such as washing dishes and doing laundry. It’s also used for recreational purposes such as swimming. In each instance, water needs to be free of contaminants and safe. An appropriate water tester can comprehend over one hundred and seventy contaminants. Each of these contaminants must be eliminated in order for the water to be safe to drink.

Tap Water Test

If you pay a water bill, water is being purchased from the public water system. That means that the water is consistently monitored and found to be trustworthy. The results of your water quality tests are reported to the federal, state or tribal drinking authorities. As a matter of fact, the water company must notify homeowners when contaminants are found in the water. This is because contaminated water can cause illness or other serious issues. If, on the other hand, your water comes from a household well, you are primarily answerable for making sure that it is safe for consumption.

Who Does Free Water Testing

Are you wondering who performs free water testing in your area? Please feel free to review the following possible resources:

  • A nearby certified and insured water testing company. Many companies offer to perform this service for free because it addresses the water quality situation directly. 
  • An online water testing company. There are online water testing companies that will test your in-home water for hardness and water quality.

While you are researching your water testing options, you might as well start cataloging companies that you think would be suited to perform routine maintenance for your home. That includes roof repairs. If you need a flat roof installation or repair, now is the time to address those repairs.

Free Water Testing Kits for Schools

Luckily, there are water associations that provide free water quality test kits for schools. One such association is the Green Mountain Water Environment Association. The GMWEA provides one hundred basic testing kits to schools each year. These are distributed just in time for spring semester field-learning exercises.

Free Water Testing

As any scientist can confirm, the quality of your water is integral to your health. There are many different avenues for you to take if you would like free water testing. As previously mentioned, you could utilize a nearby water testing company or you could search online for a laboratory that is certified by the EPA. The most important thing for homeowners to focus on is finding a company that is as responsible and certified as possible. Please only use companies that are backed by official documentation.

Free water testing can improve the quality of water in your home

Free Water Test Oil and Gas

For oil and gas wells, it is important for the nearby groundwater to remain uncontaminated. Free water is a standard lab test that is conducted for cement slurries. The free water is the percentage of water that is visually almost clear on top of the cement slurry.

Our company can help you with free water testing. Our staff at Ozone Pure Water are ready to take your phone call at 800-633-8469. Discover more about what a free water testing in Leander, TX can do for your home!

Should I Invest in a Filtration System That Removes Iron?

installing an iron removal water system

Maintaining and Protecting Your Home

Are you noticing hard water stains throughout your bathroom? Have rust stains become more apparent on your fixtures? Signs such as these indicate that you are suffering from hard water, specifically iron buildup. Homes and properties with individual well water tanks rarely have the same extensive filtration that city water sources do. Because of that, it’s highly encouraged to invest in your own house water filtration system. If your area is prone to experiencing rust and other iron-related problems, you’ll likely benefit the most from an iron removal water system for your Leander, TX property. Contact Ozone Pure Water at 800-633-8469 to schedule a consultation today.

iron removal water system installation

Benefits of an Iron Removal Water System

Before getting into the benefits, it’s important to understand what iron removal water filtration systems actually are. Like whole house water treatment systems, an iron removal system is a series of filters that filter and remove iron deposits in the water, specifically well water. If your water supply comes from a city, this is already included in the city filtration process. So what are the benefits?

  • Removal of Rust and Sulfur: Of course, one of the number one benefits is the removal of rust and sulfur. These are harmful to your health, your home, and your property. 
  • Sediment Removal: This is great for filtration systems in general, not just iron in water removal systems. Sediment often collects at the bottom of water heaters and can cause clogs, damage, and more. 
  • Reduces Damage: Excess iron in your water source will cause certain appliances and fixtures to corrode. An iron filter will reduce this damage as well as reducing rust stains in coffee pots, in showers, and other areas too!
  • No Chemicals: Iron filters do not use chemicals of any kind. While there is a time and place for chemical filtration, rarely is it necessary in the home. With this type of filtration, you don’t have to worry about chemicals in your water. 

As mentioned, if you have water coming from the city, then this process is actually already done for you. An additional iron filtration system isn’t necessary, though still could invest in one if you felt it was needed. It’s not like a service such as asphalt crack repair, which you may need to protect your home and your loved ones. An iron removal system for well water is often warranted for those that don’t have access to the city water supply. In those cases, a filtration system like this will be a sound investment. If you are interested in learning more about your options, contact Ozone Pure Water.

Iron Removal Water System vs Water Softener

Should you invest in an iron removal system and a water softener? That depends on a few things. You can start with water testing. These tests are often inexpensive and easy to complete, as well as providing fast results. If the well water you source from contains excessive amounts of iron and other mineral deposits, then yes, it may be a good idea to invest in both. However, if the deposits aren’t substantial, then you may be able to get away with one or the other. 

Water softeners help to reduce damage to your plumbing and other fixtures by removing traces of magnesium and iron from the water. Doing so prevents rust, corrosion, and hard water stains that you’ll often find in coffee pots and on shower doors. That in mind, water softeners can come with their own host of problems that may not make them worth the investment. Depending on your needs and your budget, you can decide what you want. For help with that, rely on Ozone Pure Water. We are the experts you can trust to offer you incredible services at affordable prices. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the best iron removal water system?
    • There are several brands and options out there, but the best for removing iron would be a system that is specifically designed to do just that. Katolox makes a great filtration system that specifically removes iron from water well sources. 
  • How do you remove iron from water?
    • This can be done with mechanical, or sediment filters, or with filters that are specifically designed to catch iron deposits in water. Either way, you’ll have filtered water that is clean and free from iron, chemicals, and more.
  • Will a whole house filter remove iron?
    • Yes, there are many filtration systems on the market that will remove a whole host of things such as iron, magnesium, and more. These may not be as effective as a system that is purposefully removing iron, but they will get the job done.
  • What type of filter removes iron from water?
    • Most water filtration systems actually remove dissolved ferrous iron through ion exchange. This filtration allows for the most removal and cleaning of well water into your home. 
  • Can iron in water hurt you?
    • No, according to most sources, you could not drink enough water to see any toxic harm to your body. However, while iron doesn’t affect your health, it can affect your home, causing problems and damage. 
type of iron removal water system

Connect With Us Today for an Appointment

For an iron removal water system in Leander, TX, look no further than Ozone Pure Water. We are the experts you can rely on for all your water filtration needs. Call us at 800-633-8469 to get started.