
Allergy Relief Through Water Purification

About 10 percent of the country’s population suffers from moderate to severe allergies at some point during the year. Most allergy sufferers have tried the over-the-counter options, the homeopathic choices, and even some medical techniques like allergy shots. However, new studies show that purified water could help relieve allergies once and for all.

How Allergies Work

When your body takes in different particles, whether it’s food, drink, or air, it takes in all the secondary particles that may be attached. For instance, we don’t need to inhale dust to survive; unfortunately, it’s only a side-effect of breathing in what we do need. As foreign particles like dust, dander, and chemicals build up in our body, our brain transmits signals to the immune system to fight off the intruder, which causes what we know as an allergic reaction. While some have found that methods like allergy shots help to build up certain immunities to stop the overaction of the immune system. Still, for some, the endeavor is fruitless.

Drinking Your Way to Being Allergy-Free

Recently, studies by the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology have shown that the introduction of pesticides and other foreign contaminants could be the cause of problems resulting in asthma and allergies. Ozonated water completely purifies your drinking water without the use of chemicals so there are never any bi-products left behind. This decontamination system eliminates chlorine and fluoride, thought to contribute to asthma, along with allergens, metals, and other particles picked up in your pipe system. The absence of these chemicals and toxins in your water allow your immune system to rest, causing a relaxation of allergy symptoms.

Purified water has many more benefits than just a better, cleaner taste. In fact, ozonated water can help improve your health, energy levels, and brain function. To learn more about the hidden benefits of ozonated water, call the Ozone Pure Water treatment specialists at 800-633-8469.

Free Water Testing Services

Clean Water Testing

How Clean is Your Home’s Water?

If you have a home, and you use tap water frequently without a filtration system, read this! today we are going to go over our free water testing services. Tap water isn’t always one hundred percent safe, and adding a water filtration system can make all of the difference. If you aren’t completely sure that your tap water is safe, call us today to request your free home water testing!

The Point Of A Water Test

Tap water can often carry hidden contaminants such as metals, heavy minerals, bacteria, and trace amount of chemicals. Over time, with continuous exposure, these contaminants can cause everything from minor skin problems to hair loss and hormone disruption in you and your pets too! Low quality water can be very dangerous to the whole family. The point of our water test is to alert you to any contaminants that may be affecting your family.

How Does It Work?

Simply send us a 16 oz sample of your water in a clean container. If you have access to a sterile container, that will provide the best results, but even a well washed and dried container will do just fine! When we receive your water sample, we will test it for all chemicals and metals to let you know how safe, or unsafe, your drinking water is. Call us today at 800-633-8469 to get started!


2 Reasons Why a Pool Ozonator is Better Than Chlorine

Home Pool with a Pool Ozonator

Installing an Ozonator on Your Pool Provides Extra Clean Water With No Harsh Side-Effects.

When most people think of cleaning the water in their home swimming pools, they think that chlorine is the best option. Chlorine has been used in water sanitation for years, and for many years it was the number one choice. Recent developments in technology have allowed for a wider range of water sanitation options for home swimming pools. Ozone Pure Water offers services to install, maintain a pool ozonator in your home’s backyard pool.

Why Choose a Pool Ozonator?

There are many benefits to installing a pool ozonator in your backyard pool. They are very easy to install and very cost effective over the course of several years. Here are two specific reasons you might consider getting an ozone filtrations system for your pool.

Better Performance
Pool ozonators are able to purify the water of both living and inorganic contaminants. This includes mold, mildew, bacteria, yeast and fungi. It also cleans the water of all body oils and human contaminants.

Less Harsh
Chlorine is a very harsh and corrosive chemical. It burns your eyes, nose and mouth and over time it eats away at the lining of the pool. Pool ozonators don’t add any chemicals to the water, which reduces the damage to the pool lining and doesn’t harm your family as they play in the pool.

Ozone Pure Water is here to answer all your questions about pool ozonators. If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits you could experience from one of these filtration systems, contact our office at 800-633-8469. Let us help your family get the most out of your backyard pool.

The Health Benefits of an Ozonator

What is Ozone?

Air Ozonator

Ozanators Sanitize Various Air & Water Sources

Ozone is a form of oxygen, often used as a disinfectant, that can be artificially processed through high voltage electricity. Ozone can be used to filter air, water, food, and be added to industrial appliances. When used properly, in the right concentration, ozone will not produce any toxic residue.

What is an Ozonator?

An ozonator is a device, that comes in different varieties (large volume & small volume) that produces small amounts of ozone to clean things like water, air, and food. It is generally considered a sanitizer, as its primary objective is to remove harmful chemicals from substances that might inhabit them.

How Does Ozone Help My Health?

Using an ozonator can provide numerous health benefits to people and facilities across the world. They are used in a wide variety of settings from industrial, to residential. Some of the main health benefits of an ozonator are:

  • Air Purification: Clears air in rooms (specifically those that had been used to smoke cigarettes)
  • Anti-Bacterial for Food: Can kill harmful bacteria in food
  • Laundry Disinfectant: Destroys germs on laundry (particularly useful in hospitals or assisted living facilities)
  • Pool Water Disinfectant: Kills bacteria in swimming pools, spas and hot tubs (Chlorine Alternative)
  • Water Purification: Kills bacteria in tap water and other water sources

The #1 Ozonator Supplier

If you are in the market for a ozonator, whether large volume, or small volume, give Ozone Pure Water a call at 800-633-8469. We are happy to discuss your individual needs, and answer any further questions you have about ozone or ozonators. Don’t wait another minute. Call now.

The Benefits of Having a Water Softener In Your Home

As a homeowner, the last thing you really think about is how your water affects you. From your skin, hair, and the way your dishes are cleaned, the water that runs through our pipes can affect the way things feel and look. Hard water, is very common and has built up minerals and sediments that can make your skin dry, clothes wear out easily, and more. Soft water, on the other hand, has a lot of benefits that can improve not only things around your home but also your health, also. Below are water softener benefits for your home.

Softer Skin

Hard water has a tendency to make your skin very dry. With a water softener, not only will you not have to use so much soap to clean yourself, but your skin will be less dry, as well.

Better Hair

Hard water can also have an effect on the way your hair looks. With hard water, it can look lackluster and dull. Soft water makes it easier to clean your hair and it makes it look better too.

Easier Cleaning

Washing clothes, dishes, and other things can leave spots like water stains or soap stains. One of the best water softener benefits is that makes your clothes last longer and it doesn’t leave soap stains or other spots on your dishes, silverware, or glassware.

Energy Bill Saving

Everyone likes to save money on energy bills and with a water softener, homeowners are able to do just that. Since water softeners remove sediments, it makes water heaters work more effectively.

Treating Water to Treat Your Health

faucetWith increased awareness about the dangers of untreated water, purification systems have been gaining popularity. Better quality water is healthier for drinking, cooking and cleaning. It is free of metallic elements and bacteria, which can cause minute to severe sicknesses. Having pure water on tap also diminishes the risks of drinking water that has only existed in plastic bottles. Showering in pure water can help those that suffer from a variety of allergies and skin ailments.

Boasting a variety of paybacks, your health isn’t the only thing that stands to benefit when you install water treatment in your house. Hard water, or untreated water, can wreak havoc on your plumbing systems as well as kitchen and bathroom appliances. It wears away at the tubing, drainage and internal functionality of these integral elements of your home. Consistent and long-term use of untreated water on plumbing and appliances can cause earlier repairs and overall replacement in comparison to homes with treated water.

Bacteria grows faster and more resistant in hard water environments. Even water that is purified at a water treatment facility is vulnerable to bacteria and germs on its way through the public water system. Bottled water goes through pipes and vats before it is bottled bringing a risk to this type of water as well. Purifying water in your own home is the sole way to ensure that totally and completely safe water is provided to your family for showering, drinking, eating and all the other necessary uses of water.

At first glance it seems cheaper to buy bottled water rather than implement a home purification system. However, cases of bottled water can add up to hundreds of dollars each year. For families with a lot of children, in warmer climates, this cost rises up into the thousands annually. Drinking purified water from your sink eliminates the need for cases of bottled water. In fact, you can purchase a BPA free water bottle and refill it safely over and over right from the sink.

Having your own water purification system can also protect you again price inflation and water availability during an emergency. Pipe breaks, earthquakes and oil spills are just a few things that can lead to contaminated and insufficient water. During these times, water is in limited supply making the prices increase. With drinkable water right in your own home, you will never have to face an emergency situation whereby supply is unavailable.

In both the short-term and long-term, water purification can help your home, family and finances. Just like investing in central air conditioning or a new roof, water purification helps the household and increases the value of the property. Looking at the facts and benefits, choosing a home water purification system can be an easy choice.

Benefits of Salt-Free over Salt-Based Water Softener

No one in modern society should have to tolerate hard water. It ruins clothing, appliances, leaves ugly residue after each and every use in your tub and leads to lime scale buildup. So if you are on well or experience hard water in your area, water softening is crucial.


There are plenty of methods to soften the water in your home. Some employ salt based water softener while others are salt-free water softener. With salt based water softener, you will notice the soap creating more bubbles. This makes for a better shower experience because the more lather you generate, which in turn removes and rinses away more water and soap residue. If left behind, film from these sources could clog pours and leave itchy, dry skin.

In addition to giving you softer skin in the shower, salt based softener allows your washing machine to leave your clothes brighter while reducing scale build-up in your showers, washing machine and toilets. The difference between salt-based and salt-free systems in the grand scheme of things is minimal.

Salt-free softeners, too, will also reduce scale buildup, leave brighter clothes and softer skin. But the main difference is salt-free systems will do so without adding sodium to the water. This is beneficial not only to the pipes in your home but for the environment as well.

High sodium content in waste water is a growing problem in cities across the country. Much of this sodium is released directly into the environment and can in part be traced to sodium-based water softener systems.

Salt-free systems, however, are maintenance free with no media replacement for up to five years. They also use no waste water, no electricity and no salt or chemicals. Salt-free softener can even offer health benefits over salt-based systems, especially for those with high-blood pressure or heart disease.

The Dangers of Hard Water

Depending on where you live, there’s a good chance that you have hard water coming through your faucets. But what exactly is hard water and is it harmful to people? We’re here to provide you with some important information that may change the way you consume water. In general, if water is hard that means it contains various minerals found in the ground. These include things like magnesium and calcium, and while some amounts of these minerals can have positive effects on your health, too much of a good thing is usually bad.

You may have been drinking hard water for years and not had any problems, or you may be suffering from health issues that you didn’t even realize were being caused by hard water. Some of the side effects of ingesting too much of these minerals could include vomiting, fatigue, and even potential digestive problems.

Hard water isn’t just responsible for causing damage to people. It can cause damage to your property as well. Mineral deposits can build up in your pipes and faucets, limiting water pressure and flow and potentially causing major problems. In some cases, these deposits could lead to damages and costly repairs.

The good news is that if you have hard water coming through your pipes, you don’t have to settle for it. Water purification and filtration devices can go a long way towards ensuring your water is soft and free of minerals, as well as other types of debris. If you’ve noticed any signs of hard water in your home, consider purchasing a purification device today.

Common Bacteria and Viruses to Drinking Water

Viruses are the smallest form of microorganisms capable of causing disease, particularly those of a fecal origin infectious to humans by waterborne transmission; bacteria are typically single-celled microorganisms that can also cause health problems in humans, animals or plants, despite many form’s ability to aid in water pollution control.
EPA regulated bacteria/viruses in drinking water and health risks:
• Coliforms are bacteria naturally present in the environment and used as indicators that other possibly harmful bacteria may be present.
• Fecal indicators, Enterococci or coliphage, are microbes that can indicate human or animal wastes in water; they can cause short-term health effects, including cramps, nausea, diarrhea, headaches and more, and may pose a greater risk for people with severely weakened immune systems, elderly, young children and infants.
• E. coli and fecal coliform are bacteria whose presence can indicate water contaminated by human or animal wastes, causing short-term health effects, including cramps, nausea, diarrhea, headaches and more; they may also pose a greater risk for people with severely weak immune systems, elderly, young children and infants.
Popular bacteria/virus treatment technology

• UV technology: Proved beneficial for many years, and is still continuously rising in popularity for water treatment. UV light’s produced when an electric arc is struck in mercury.
• Ozone: Is an effective water treatment commonly used to reduce color, taste and odor concerns. Ozone is also used in place of, or to reduce chlorine.
• Chlorine: Is typically an effective treatment for bacteria/viruses, but not for protozoa, especially when applied to clarified low turbidity water.
• Chloramine: Is a reaction product of chlorine and ammonia and is less potent than chlorine; it’s known to successfully reduce Legionella counts.

Advantages to Drinking Purified Water

drinking waterPure water is really good for you and when consumed in enough quantity can do wonders for your health. The quality and main components to the water you take in, however, is not always pure. This is especially true of tap water. It could be full of metals and bacteria which could actually negate healthy food intake. But what is it in non-purified water which is toxic to your system?

1) Chlorine is used to disinfect your drinking water, contributing to a bitter taste and a chemical whiff. True this is in fact a means of disinfecting water, it also makes for undesirable taste. Purifying water coming into your home with a decent carbon filter will reduce this chlorine by 99%.

2) In addition to the additives to your drinking water at the water treatment facility, which both physically and chemically disinfect the water, it typically travels potentially miles of dirty pipes before escaping your faucets. These pipes could be rusty and old, which don’t even include the completely unregulated building plumbing- typically as old as the building itself.

3) Essential minerals are something actually missing from treated water. Stripped from water during processing, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium are all present in its natural state. Essential minerals your body needs, when these are removed you miss out on a potential source of nutrition for your body. This is only in addition to the harmful compounds and elements- not to mention the bad taste- added to water during treatment processing.