
Athletes and Hydration

hydration In today’s day in age, athletes (both professional and collegiate) have become so cultivated in their training regimens that they often forget how important hydration is with regard to them.

When you make it to a collegiate or professional level of sport, the intensity automatically increases tenfold from the days you spent playing recreationally or in high school. Sometimes we could get away with a shortage of water during these times because we weren’t competing at such a high level, but when we reach the highest standards of sport it becomes crucial.

Water is a key ingredient used in order to regulate your body temperature and lubricate your joints. Not only this, but it helps take vital nutrients you’ve ingested through pre and post workout meals and transports them throughout your body in order to supply you with energy.

Staying hydrated will keep your body healthy and performing at its highest level. Without doing so, your body will begin to fatigue, your muscles will cramp up, and you’ll start to exhibit dizziness and furthermore worse symptoms.

When trying to stay hydrated throughout the day, especially days that contain a high volume of activity, you should focus on drinking 17 to 20 ounces of water two to three hours before exercising.

Eight ounces of water should be drank during or prior to your warmup, 7 to 10 ounces every 20 minutes of your workout, and 8 more ounces no more than 30 minutes after you’re finished. Mind you, your body will be losing liquids as you work out so as it may seem like a lot, you’re really replenishing a lot of the fluids you’re losing.

You should aim to drink at least a gallon, or 128 ounces of water a day. This will ensure that your body is staying properly hydrated, you’re replenishing the liquids you lose throughout the day and that all of those key nutrients your body needs to grow and perform are being transported to the right places.

Purified Water Isn’t Just for Drinking

waterMaking the switch to purified water can be one of the best choices you make this year. Free of contaminants and bacteria, purified water is the healthiest and safest form of the liquid for drinking and cooking. However, we often forget that we don’t just drink water or add it to our food. Water is also used to fill pools and spas. Since we don’t ingest this water we often don’t think much about it being dangerous but it can be. Using public water for pools, hot tubs and spas can expose you and your guests to things like excessive iron, mercury or bacteria.

Purified water in a pool or spa can improve the clarity allowing you to see right through the water like never before. No one wants to swim in murky, cloudy water, which is often the way public water looks. Water that has gone through a purification system will be much more clear. In fact, there will be a noticeable difference between the original water you put in your pool, and how the water looks after it has been purified. For homeowners, it can even be embarrassing to have guest over and invite them into a pool or hot tub with foggy water.

In addition to clarity, pure water also feels better for swimmers and those enjoying the hot tub. Minerals and metals in the public water supply can make water harsh. This type of water can dry out the skin leaving it itchy and tough. For homeowners that spend a significant amount of time in the pool or spa, this can be detrimental to their skin. Purified water is free of those damaging metals and minerals. This pure form of water nourishes the skin and hydrates it instead of drying it out. In just days, you will be able to tell the difference between your skin from public water and your skin from purified water.

When you choose to put purified water in your pool, hot tub or spa you also make the choice to use less chlorine. This chemical, which is used to keep pools and spas free of dirt and bacteria, is very strong. It has a distinct odor that clings to hair and skin while also stripping these body parts of natural oils and moisture. Less chlorine in your pool or spa means no more odor, discoloration or irritated eyes, hair and skin. It also means spending less money at the pool store on chlorine and more money on fun things like floats or outdoor speakers.

The benefits of purified water go way beyond drinking it. When we spend our leisure time in the water whether it’s in an in-ground pool or above ground hot tub, purified water becomes a necessity. Don’t subject your body to the harsh chemicals and additives in the public water supply. Using purified water for you pool, hot tub or spa gives you complete control over the water, as you know it’s free of minerals, metals and potential harmful bacteria. In the long run it can be healthier for your pool, family and all of your guests.

Water Treatment Makes Home Water Better

hair washing There are enumerable water treatments available for your home water. Softener salt and softener potassium makes your house water that much more palatable and enjoyable for both drinking and showering. They eliminate potential residue that can accrue on your skin, causing itchiness, and remove taste-altering minerals.

Money Savings

Water conditioner saves you money for a few different reasons. First off, because the water is more pleasurable to drink, you have less reason to buy bottled water. So when you want a good glass of water, just go to the tap and fill up a glass. Also, when showering, the lather generated from soap using the mineral-filtered is more abundant. Therefore, the person showering doesn’t use as much of the soap as they would with ‘harder’ water.

Family’s Comfort

Because soap lathers up much more easily than with water softener, it rinses off much more easily. This ensures there is no soap residue left on the skin following a shower, residue which can cause itchiness throughout the day and even rash. In addition to soap buildup, minerals can also cause skin irritation. Water conditioner removes these minerals and prevents said irritation.

Installing a softener tank is one of the greatest decisions you can make. It makes your quality of life that much better while saving you money and providing a more effective shower. So contact a professional water-softening consultant today and stop using untreated water. The sooner you do, the better your home water will be.

Swimming This Season; Stay Clean, Stay Safe

When it comes to swimming pools so far this summer, we are facing a strange epidemic of sorts, meaning that swimming pools are becoming more and more like leper colonies. The outbreak is very real, which is a shame, because it’s been a terribly hot summer for most areas in the country and swimming pools have been our only line of defense against overheating and exhaustion.


According to this WCNC article, “A new report from the Centers for Disease Control finds 69 waterborne illness outbreaks over a two year period. There [sic] been 1,300 known patients, 73 hospitalizations and one death.”


Those are scary numbers, something that would normally freak out people in the news if it weren’t related to pools. The main culprit leading the charge of this outbreak is the parasite known as “cryptosporidium,” which hunkers down in pools and hot tubs and then transfers over to an unwilling participant, since the parasite needs a host. If infected, a person will experience nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, a stomachache, and more.


It’s a scary world out there; when your swimming pools become festering, epidemic grounds, you know you have a problem. Thankfully, that’s we’re we come in, at Ozone Pure Water. We’ll make sure your swimming pools or hot tubs are as clean as they’ve ever been and you can rest easy knowing that you haven’t taken a dip in swamp water where parasites run rampant.

Ensuring Your Swimming Conditions Are Best

clean waterSummer is almost over and it feels like it just began. Have you enjoyed summer? By that we mean have you plucked everything enjoyable you can from it? Have you took dips in swimming pools? Let the cool water wash your body of boredom?

Not to be too overtly poetic, but summer is meant to be enjoyed to the maximum, kinda like a Thanksgiving turkey. While leftovers are nice, nothing can take from the enjoyment of devouring it whole on the day it should be devoured. Summer’s the same way, especially when it comes to swimming pools.

Not all swimming pools are meant to be devoured; some are meant to be unused, the ones that aren’t taken care of, the ones swimming with disease, bacteria, and parasites. There are an uncomfortable amount of them in the country presently. Your pool may be contaminated by a parasite resistant to chlorine, as discussed in this CBS article.

Stephanie Stahl writes, “A summertime warning about pools, the water can be contaminated with a parasite, that’s resistant to chlorine.”

Yes, you heard us correct; this swimming pool parasite is resistant to chlorine. It’s like a super-villain you see on the big screen. We don’t mean to alarm you, but next time you take a dip in the swimming pool it’s wise that you watch out for this parasite, called cryptosporidium, which comes from feces. In Pennsylvania alone, the bacteria caused 369 illnesses last year. Symptoms include gastrointestinal issues and while it’s not dangerous for adults, it can cause havoc for children and people with immune issues. Since the parasite can live in water for up to 10 days, the CDC recommends pools being closed for a bit to receive a thorough cleaning. Do your best to make this summer parasite-free.

How Much Water Should You Drink?

water coolerMany people have a glass of water when they’re thirsting, but that’s not always enough. This is especially true if you enjoy drinks like coffee that can actually dehydrate you, or if you engage in regular physical activity. Substituting water for other drinks isn’t a great idea for your health, and you still need to consume a certain amount of water a day in order to keep yourself as hydrated as possible. While the exact amount may vary a bit from person to person, we’re here to go over exactly how much water you should be drinking each and every day.

One of the most important things to remember is that over half your body weight is made up of water. It is essential for not only ensuring nutrients reach your cells, but also for getting rid of various toxins that can build up throughout your system. Without enough water you will be more tired, and could even lead to more serious symptoms like passing out.

The amount of water a person should drink every day is different for men and women. In general, men should be drinking about 13 cups, while women need 9 cups. This many sound like a lot at first, but a cup is not actually that large. If you carry around a water bottle, odds are you can fill it up with at least a few cups worth of water.

Ensuring your body is constantly hydrated should be your primary goal. Try to spread your water consumption out over the course of the day, and make sure you have extra water nearby if you plan on working out or even being outside on a hot day.

Common Signs of Hard Water

You may be unfamiliar with the term ‘hard water,’ but if you don’t have a purification system in your property you may be drinking plenty of it. Hard water is essentially water that contains elevated levels of minerals, including calcium and magnesium. These enter water through mineral deposits in the ground, and while a moderate amount of these minerals in drinking water is fine, too much can cause problems. If you’re unsure whether or not hard water is coming through your faucets, there are a few telltale signs.


One of the most obvious signs is mineral deposits on and around your faucet heads. Over time, minerals in the water will build up on the sides of faucets, which look like a powdery white, light-yellow substance. These mineral deposits can also build up within plumbing systems, potentially leading to serious damage.


Hard water can also have an effect on those showering with it. Some of the symptoms it can cause include dry skin and itching. Because hard water doesn’t do a great job of washing out shampoo, it can also cause your hard to become unmanageable after taking a shower since the products you put in it aren’t being completely washed out.


Having hard water in your home can also impact the look and feel of your clothing. If you wash your laundry with hard water, your shirts can more easily fade, and it can even cause certain types of fabric to become rough or scratchy.


Don’t ignore any of these signs of hard water, and make the switch to purified water today.

Water; The Basis to Life Function

woman hydrating Because our bodies need plenty of water to survive, the effects of not drinking enough can result in dehydration. If you have to wonder whether or not you are dehydrated, odds are you should be drinking more water. Consider this; you can go 2 weeks without food, but only two days without water.

Dehydration starts off with mild to moderate symptoms at first, some of which can show up within a day of not drinking enough. If you are experiencing dry mouth, decreased urine, headaches, or dry skin, you may be entering the initial stages of dehydration. You may even feel dizzy or lightheaded.

If you allow these mild symptoms to progress by not hydrating yourself, you may be risking a trip to the emergency room. People experiencing severe dehydration may have a rapid heartbeat, a fever, and no urination. Eventually, dehydration can even cause unconsciousness.

Suffering from even the mildest symptoms of dehydration is no fun, so it’s important to drink water as soon as you feel any of them coming on. But if you make it habit to drink water regularly, and forgo the sugary and soft crinks, it would be a non-issue. Just remember to bring along an extra bottle any time you plan on exercising or being outside for long periods of time.

Health Benefits of Purified Water

purified waterIf you’re not already used to drinking purified water, you may be wondering why you should even make the switch. Purified water offers more health benefits than you probably realize, and the benefits of upgrading your water system are countless. There are a few main advantages you can expect in regards to your health.

Water is something we need to survive, and ideally, we drink several classes throughout the day. When we consume so much of something, why not make sure it is as pure as possible. Impure water contains several things that can be harmful to the body, including bacteria. While not all bacteria is bad for you, studies have shown that impure water has a fair amount of bacterial organisms that simply aren’t found in purified water.

The water you drink every day may also be getting to you through dirty pipes. Particles of dirt, rust, and grime from those pipes are finding their way into your water. Over time a large amount of these particles could accumulate in your person, making you sick.

Most drinking water also contains chlorine, which not only can have a few harmful side effects but also makes your water taste worse than it should. Purified water will cut out most of the chlorine, while still leaving you with perfectly sanitary and disinfected H2o.

These reasons are just a small sample of why you should be making the switch to purified water in your home or business as soon as possible.

Benefits of Ozone in Hot Tubs or Spas

spaWhether you have a hot tub in your home or run commercial spa facility, using ozone in your water has numerous benefits. Ozone is an oxidizer made up of three oxygen atoms proven to eliminate most contaminants found in water. And this is among several reasons you should purify your spa water.

To keep the water free of bacteria, hot tub owners have traditionally relied on dosing the water with harsh chemicals like chlorine. Ozone in your water eliminates the need for any chemicals, subsequently eliminating risk of irritation that sometimes accompanies these elements.

Most immediately noticeable, and most important to some, is keeping your water clean without chlorine means no chemical odor. The chlorine odor sticks around on your skin and swim suit until you shower and do a load of laundry, not to mention if you have an indoor spa the odor could perpetually linger. And naturally purified water and a chemical/noxious-free environment is simply more appealing and more conducive to relaxation.

Purifying your hot tub water with ozone is also a great way to extend the life of your equipment. Not unlike most things in your life requiring maintenance, hot tub upkeep can rack up quickly. Already expensive in the first place, keeping spa maintenance costs low starts with the water you have circulating your pumps and filter. Harsh chemicals in the water can greatly break down and shorten the life of your components… and greatly increase your maintenance bill.

Not only will ozone help to get rid of bacteria and viruses found in your spa water, but it can also eliminate algae buildup. These are just some of the many reasons you should purify your hot tub water with ozone.