
Tips to Sterilize Water in the Back-Country

camping waterIf you are worried about the safety of your drinking water but you don’t yet have a purification system in place, there are a few other options available to you. While most tap water is completely harmless, it could contain minerals and other impurities that are not met to be consumed in large amounts. But making sure drinking your drinking water is clean when you’re in the back-country wilderness is crucial for preventing pathogen-born illness.

While it may take a bit of extra time, boiling water can sterilize it. In order to kill any potential germs in the water, you need to let it remain boiling for at least a minute. Of course, then you also have to wait for the water to cool down to room temperature before you can drink it.

If you don’t want to spend the time boiling your water– or are in a position whereby you lack the resources– you can also use chlorine tablets. Chlorine tablets have been around for a while and do the trick, but many are bothered by the after taste they leave behind. Sterilizing tablets are best regarded as a last resort.

While these two options are perfect for keeping your water sterilized while camping or hunting, your best bet is to bring as much water as you can haul. After your supply is diminished, only then should you resort to water-sterilizing options. For your home supply, the easiest way to ensure all of the drinking water in your home is safe as possible is with a water purification system.

Reasons Why It’s Important to be Consuming Pure Water When You’re Pregnant

Reasons Why It’s Important to be Consuming Pure Water When You Are PregnantWhether you are pregnant or not, it is important to be drinking water.

It is especially important for pregnant women to be consuming large amounts of water while pregnant.


Dehydration – Pregnancy takes a significant toll on the body from morning sickness to aches and pains.

If a pregnant woman becomes dehydrated these symptoms can worsen and it can be damaging to mom and baby.

Urinary Tract Infections – Once you become pregnant your chances of getting a UTI skyrocket.

By drinking lots of pure water, you dilute your urine and reduce your risk of contracting one of these painful infections.

Preventing Constipation – Constipation is a side effect of pregnancy that many women complain about.

By consuming a good amount of water daily, you can increase the flow of your bowel movements.

Prevent Gestational Diabetes – Making the switch from carbonated sweet beverages is never easy, especially when you feel like you rely on them to just get through the day.

These sugary beverages, if consumed in large amounts, can lead to gestational diabetes.

By making the switch to water, you can significantly reduce your risks of gestational diabetes.

Breast Milk – we need to focus on after pregnancy as well when speaking about reasons pregnant women should drink water.

For those that are planning on breastfeeding, continuing to drink water will help for maintaining your supply for the new baby.

The benefits of drinking pure water while pregnant are endless for preventing infections and making life a whole lot more comfortable for those nine long months.

When you become pregnant or are thinking about becoming pregnant, turn to pure water to stay healthy.

Ozone Pure’s water treatment systems are state-of-the-art ways to purify your home’s water.

For more information about our wide variety of household ozone units, contact Ozone Pure Water today.

Looking for Clean Water? Get an Ozonator

Looking For Clean Water? Get An OzonatorWater filtration systems are becoming more and more common in homes and businesses across America.

But despite this growing trend, there are still many who do not have one.

When you decide to purchase a filtration system such as the Ozonator, it’s important you get the one that best fits your home or business.


When picking an Ozonator you first have to take into consideration what you’re getting it for.

For your home or if you have a small business, you might be able to get away with a Small Volume Ozonator.

The Ozonator output will be able to handle a water supply for a small number or people and make sure the water they drink is safe.

Now if you run a big business or your building has a lot of people as well as a warehouse, then the Large Volume Ozonator will be perfect.

The reason being, its gallons per hour is a great deal higher than the Small Volume Ozonator.

Now you may think a bigger business could be able to get away with a smaller Ozonator but consider how many people could be using the water.

That number could be in the hundreds and you want to make sure that everyone has access to clean, refreshing water.

Ozone Pure Water specializes in residential, commercial and industrial water filtration services including water purification systems.

We provide reliable and effective products to make sure your water is always safe to drink.

If you would like more information on this or any of our other products, contact us today!

Make Your Business’ Water Safe With a Cooling Tower

Make Your Business’s Water Safe With A Cooling TowerThe watercooler is a staple of the American workplace.

It gives you refreshing and drinkable water, coupled with a chance to catch up on current events and gripes with coworkers.

The problem is there is no way to make sure the water you’re all drinking is the cleanest unless you trust that all the filters have been changed regularly and the dispenser has been cleaned.

To fix these types of worries, it would be a good idea to invest in a cooling tower for your water.


Having a cooling tower in your business would instantly improve the quality of your water as you would no longer have to wonder what’s in your water.

That’s because a cooling tower would eliminate any viruses that may find their way into your water supply.

It would also handle any build up of calcium or similar contaminants within the water.

Another perk of the tower that would be able to visibly notice will be in the water clarity itself.

If you have found your water to be a bit cloudy every so often, a cooling tower will take care of that no problem.

You will also notice that your water temperature will be cooler as well.

So gone are the days of poor water quality, a cooling tower will make you wonder why you never had one before.

Ozone Pure Water is the premier supplier of water purification and filtration systems.

Our products and equipment are of the highest quality and will make sure the water you drink is of the highest standards.

For more information on our products, please feel free to contact us today!

Ozone Process- How Does it Work?

Now for many, water purification can be a little difficult to comprehend. Between the process and the different types of systems that can be used such as Ozone units, it may look like rocket science.

That couldn’t be farther from the truth though as Ozone units and their water purification process is quite easy to understand and it has been around for a long time.

Ozone has been being used to purify water as early as the 19thcentury and compared to other chemicals used to treat water it is much more efficient and cheaper.


It is a gas and when it is applied to the water in your home it acts as not only an oxidant but a disinfectant as well. The whole process starts in the location where water enters your home. Then obviously, from there it goes through your filtration system.

Ozone is then injected as small bubbles into the water of your home. Once in there it pulls out harmful materials such as iron, sulfur and manganese all while eliminating any bacteria in the water.

From there the water is aerated and filtered. During that time, all of the previously mentioned harmful materials are removed from the water which then leaves you with safe water to consume.

Ozone Pure Water offers water purification and filtration systems to help make sure the water in your home, office or industrial building is as clean as possible.

If you would like more information on our products, feel free to contact us today!

Dangers of Bad Water in the Home

Bad Water In The HomeHome is where the heart is. Once you move into a new house, you think about upgrading the kitchen because you don’t like the layout, or painting the living room a bright and refreshing color.

Most people don’t think about the water supply or how dangerous it could be if the water is bad.

The only time most people would notice if the water is bad is if it changes to an off color and it isn’t clear anymore.  There are so many health consequences of drinking, bathing, or just washing your dishes in bad water while you are at home.


First of all, what could be possibly in your water at home that could make you sick? There are multiple contaminants to be concerned about actually: bacteria, total coliforms, E. coli, nitrates, as well as herbicides and pesticides.

  • If the water at your home tests positive for bacteria it is not safe to drink until the issue is fixed and the well is disinfected. If your water has no bacteria measured, it still may not be safe to drink. Total coliform bacteria, if present, indicate that disease-causing organisms (such as bacteria, viruses, parasites) could potentially be present in your water supply.
  • If E. coli is found in your water supply, this indicates that human sewage or animal feces are contaminating your water supply. Nitrates are most commonly found in rural areas where farming is present; it is most damaging to infants to be contaminated by this.
  • Lastly, herbicides and pesticides can be present in your water supply from agricultural reasons or general household use.

Most homeowners think that if their water is clear and quenches thirst that the supply is just fine.

You could not be more wrong. In fact, most of the time when your water is contaminated it is clear, tasteless and odorless. If you do notice a small change in the water, it could be a cause for concern.

So what are the health consequences if you, your family and friends drink water that is contaminated? There are plenty.

The health effects can range anywhere from nothing to mild stomach pain to even death.  The side effects could not even be brought on for years, take immediate effect, or they could not be noticed at all.

Some illnesses that are caused by contaminated water include nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. Others illnesses include skin rashes, cancer (such as leukemia), reproduction issues (such as infertility), and developmental issues can occur if someone is exposed to the contaminated water for an extended period of time.

The true life story turned into a movie, about the effects of a bad drinking water supply is the Oscar Winning film “Erin Brockovich” where Erin’s investigation uncovered that Pacific Gas & Electric (PG & E) had been poisoning the small town of Hinkley’s Water supply for over 30 years. PG & E had been found for leaking toxic Chromium 6 into the ground water. This poison affected the health of the entire population of Hinkley, California.

Members of this community suffered from cancer, birth defects, and other such medical issues. In 1996, as a result of the largest direct action lawsuit of its kind, spearheaded by Erin Brockovich and Ed Masry, PG & E was forced to pay out the largest toxic tort injury settlement in US history: $333 million in damages to more than 600 Hinkley residents.

There are lots of factors as to how hard the effects of drinking contaminated water will affect your overall health.

How old someone is, the contamination level, overall health of a person, the type of contaminant, and how long the person has been drinking the contaminated water for.

If you suspect that your water is contaminated who is responsible for fixing it? If the well your water comes from is privately owned, you are responsible for taking care of the issue on your own.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations that protect public drinking water systems are not responsible for the maintenance of private wells. It is recommended that owners of private wells should check every year for mechanical problems, cleanliness, and the presence of coliform bacteria, nitrates, and any other contaminants of local concern.

local health department or water well systems professional can help ensure delivery of high-quality water from an existing well or if needed, help locate and construct a new well in a safer area.

If you are concerned about the safety of the water in your home after reading this article, there is no harm in checking if your water is safe.


To do so, you can contact your local health department. If they cannot assist you, you can contact the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at (800) 426-4791 for a state certified laboratory to find out the next steps in your area.

Ozone Pure Water filtering systems can provide you with cleaner and healthier drinking water in your home, building or office.

At Ozone Pure Water, we are offering our customers an extensive inventory of filtration systems that are ready for immediate delivery to our clients.

To find the most efficient methods of water filtration for you, Ozone Pure Water is constantly investing in research and development. For more information, please contact us at 1-800-633-8469 today!

Newr Study Finds Filtered Water to Aid in Child Development

Filtered Tap WaterThere are many claims out there discussing how to raise IQ levels in children and young adolescents. Eat this, drink that, take this supplement, and so on.

However, did you ever think that drinking filtered tap water might just be the trick to increasing intellectual ability? Recent studies have said so.

Chinese biology and environment experts have conducted a study to examine the benefits of drinking filtered tap water as opposed to bottled and unfiltered tap water.


Filtered tap water was the richest in essential minerals and the lowest in contaminant levels in comparison to their counterparts, bottled and unfiltered tap water.

Essential minerals are known to improve child development and memory.

The participants of this study were two generations of rats.

The two generations were given five different types of water: unfiltered tap, filtered tap, bottled, artificial mineralized bottled and natural bottled.


The true test was by way of the Morris water maze. The rats had to find their way through a water tank by following various cues.

The end result was that the rats that drank filtered water found their way out more efficiently than the rats who drank from the other four types of water.

Interesting enough, we are seeing more and more companies and the residential communities turn to filtered water systems.

Water consumption is based largely on preference, but it is the studies such as the one noted above, that give us a glimpse into why it is a good idea to switch to a filtered water system.

With advanced technology today, a water filtration system is one that does not require much maintenance, replacement or re-fills, drinking crisp, clean, and refreshing water is really all you have to do.

Ozone Pure Water has a wealth of experience in water filtration and provides the most useful and manageable system yet. Contact us at 1.800.633.8469 today to learn more.

Don’t Let What Happened in Flint Happen to Your Home- Install a Water Treatment System

Most of the time, we can trust that our tap water is safe enough to drink and cook with. When tap water becomes unsafe to drink, residents should be notified to immediately to stop using it, but that was not the case for the people of Flint, Michigan.

Residents are now being given bottled water and water filters, but the damage to the health of the city’s residents, especially the children, has been already compromised.

So how did it all begin? In 2014, the state of Michigan stepped in to help Flint get out from under the dangerous financial position the city was in.

To save money, the state thought it’d be a wise choice to switch Flint’s water supply from Lake Huron (which they pay Detroit for) to the Flint River.


Resident worries were put to rest by the state that the water was ok to drink temporarily as a new state-run supply line to Lake Huron was ready to be connected. The state estimated the project to take two years.

Shortly after the water switch, residents started noticing that the tap water smelled, and tasted wrong and even claimed it looked dirty. Skepticism got the best of Virginia Tech researchers and visited Flint to test the resident’s tap water for possible contaminants. The researcher’s findings were both astounding and terrifying.

It was determined initially that the water had iron in it, in fact, 19 times more so than the Lake Huron supply.  It was discovered that the state’s Department of Environmental Quality wasn’t treating the Flint River water with an anti-corrosive agent, which is in violation of federal law. The iron was eroding the water mains, which gave it a brown appearance.

A short while later, it was also determined that there was lead in the water. Due to the fact that half of the service lines to homes in Flint are comprised of lead and since the Flint River water wasn’t treated prior to the line connection, lead began to leach into the water supply.

At first, state officials looked past the skepticism and initial research conducted and continued to assure the resident the water was fine.

It wasn’t until a local pediatrician did her own research by examining child lead levels from state required testing and noting that levels had doubled and even tripled, only then the state and city got serious.


So, what do iron and lead do to our health and water supply? Let’s first take a look at iron.


  • Produces orange and red stains on laundry, in the toilets, sinks, on dishes and in the dishwasher.
  • It darkens liquor mixes
  • Creates a metallic taste, musty/metallic odor
  • Encrusts pipes and water heaters
  • You would have to consume an unreasonable amount of water for the iron to cause damage to your health
  • Iron in a water supply results in very costly repairs


  • Typically, lead found in tap water comes in two ways, corrosion of older fixtures or from the solder that connects pipes. If water sits in leaded pipes for hours, the lead can leach into the water supply.
  • You can’t taste, see, or smell lead in water
  • When lead enters the body through drinking water, it can enter the bloodstream and cause a high blood lead level
  • Lead in drinking water is most dangerous for small children

The EPA set the maximum contaminant level goal for lead in drinking water at zero because even at low levels, lead can be harmful to human health

For infants and small children, lead exposure has been linked to damage to the central and peripheral nervous system, learning disabilities, shorter stature, impaired hearing, and impaired formation and function of blood cells.


We are hoping that the dire situation of unsafe drinking water gets resolved quickly for the residents of Flint, Michigan.

Going forward, it is always a wise choice to have your water supply tested to determine that no harmful contaminants have leached into the water or at most, the contaminant level is within a safe range.

We don’t want to see a repeat occurrence of Flint, MI anywhere else.

Ozone Pure Water can install a whole house water treatment system that is maintenance free and completely trustworthy

The process is efficient and convenient, but 100% reliable at purifying your water supply. Ozone is a naturally occurring material that’s more efficient and cost effective to use over other chemical water treatments.

Ozone, a gas, acts as a powerful oxidant and disinfectant. When it’s injected as tiny bubbles into the water, the ozone precipitates materials such as iron, as well as destroys bacteria at the same time.

The water becomes aerated and filtered, clearing the harmful elements and leaving safe and clean water for drinking.

To learn more about our water treatment systems, contact us at 1.800.633.8469 today.

Ozone Filtration: Keep the Air Indoors Clean This Winter

Indoor air quality is a growing concern for many people. There are a few options for indoor air filtration, including mechanical and electronic air filters, notes the EPA, but one that is becoming increasingly popular is ozone air filtration. Using an ozone filtration system in your home or office can help to keep the air indoors clean this winter.

How Do Air Quality Problems Occur?

As homes and offices have been built to be more energy efficient, it has resulted in less natural air circulation from drafts, which were commonplace in older homes. While drafty windows and doors may have been inefficient and even uncomfortable during winter, they did at least provide some natural ventilation for buildings. Tightly sealed buildings without natural ventilation are often susceptible to air quality problems, particularly during the winter months when windows and doors remain closed for a number of months.

DustDust, pollen, pet dander and odors can all build up indoors during the winter. At a minimum, these pollutants can produce unpleasant smells or irritate allergies. Unfortunately, in many situations these indoor pollutants can also cause health problems for people who spend time in the building. That’s why many people are choosing to use an air filtration system to improve the air quality indoors.

Uses of Ozone Air Filtration

Ozone air filtration can effectively remove many indoor pollutants, as Air Purifier Review notes. An ozone filtration system may remove odors caused by humans and animals, such as smells from cooking or tobacco smoke, and can also help to prevent the growth of mildew and mold. These systems are also commonly used in restoration work following a fire as they are quite effective at removing smoke odors from buildings.

Ozone filtration systems are used in a number of commercial environments, including medical facilities, public restrooms, fish markets, veterinary offices, kennels, bars, fitness centers, livestock compounds, hotels and motels, offices, butcher shops, restaurants, nursing homes, pet stores, industrial buildings and clubhouses. They also are a great choice for homes and are highly effective at improving overall air quality in any situation. Nearly any structure can benefit from using an ozone air filtration system.

How Ozone Filtering Works

The process of ozone filtration is straightforward, with systems working to destroy organisms or contaminants that are causing odors. Ozone is another form of oxygen, but is a powerful element that is able to destroy odors. It is formed when electricity and air are combined. Ozone contains three oxygen atoms instead of the two contained by pure oxygen. As the extra molecule in ozone joins with other pollutant molecules in the air, the ozone is converted back to oxygen, oxidizing contaminants in the process.

The great thing about ozone air filtration is that it actually destroys the odor-causing organisms. Unlike air fresheners that merely mask or cover up unpleasant odors or filters that attempt to trap the irritating particles, ozone filtration eliminates the problem completely. Ozone completely destroys germs, bacteria, odors and more. As long as the source of the odor is not reintroduced to the building, it will not reoccur after ozone treatment. In locations where the odor source is continuously reintroduced, periodic treatment with an ozone filter will be needed to maintain the quality of the air.

Ozone is found naturally in the air. It may be produced naturally by lightning, or manually with ultraviolet radiation or an electric charge. Ozone is also sometimes called activated oxygen.

A number of different types of particles can be cleared from the air using ozone filtration. These include fungus, bacteria, spores, mildew, and mold.

snippyUsing Ozone Filtration

Using an ozone air filtration unit is simple. Unlike complex HEPA filtration systems that require expensive installation, ozone filtration units are often portable and don’t need to be installed at all. Instead, you can simply place the unit on a table or floor in any room that you need to treat. The unit can be plugged into a standard household AC outlet. The outlet on the unit should be positioned so that it points toward the air conditioning return, returning clean treated air to your central HVAC system, or into the area of the room that you are targeting with treatment.

Once this simple setup is completed, you can turn on the ozone unit and leave the room. Treating a room with ozone filtration may take as little as minutes or as long as hours, depending largely on the concentration of odors and other issues being cleaned and the size of the room. Larger areas or stronger odors may also be treated using a larger ozone filtration unit or multiple units.

Ozone filtration units should not be used in rooms when people or pets are present. Despite the fact that ozone is naturally present in the air, it is recommended that people and animals vacate the room when treatment is in progress as active ozone may cause lung irritation. Since ozone will pair with contaminant particles and become regular oxygen, following treatment the room or areas being filtered are completely safe.

Ozone Pure Water Inc. leads the ozone industry in research and development, new product introduction, and new ozone applications. We also pride ourselves on providing outstanding products and service. Our air ozone units work efficiently and safely to improve the quality of the air inside your home, office or other building. We maintain a large stock of ozone filtration units that are ready to ship to customers.

Contact us by calling 800-633-8469 to learn more about our innovative ozone products or to order an ozone filtration unit today.

5 Advantages of Using Ozonated Water

Ozonated water is a highly effective method of treating and sanitizing water. In fact, some of the largest treatment facilities in the world use ozone disinfection methods to treat water supplies, especially in European nations. There are many benefits to using ozone to treat water, whether in your home or on a larger scale. Let’s take a closer look at three key advantages of using an ozone water treatment system.

Kills Bacteria

Ozonating water has the ability to kill whatever may be inside your water. This includes viruses, bacteria, fungi, and algae. All of these can be very harmful if ingested, and treating water with ozone presents an opportunity to get rid of these contaminants while making our water cleaner.

Doesn’t Add Chemicals

Treating water with ozone water doesn’t require adding any harmful chemicals to the water either. Where some other water treatments use chemicals or other additives to make water more pure and clean, the only thing that ozone does is disinfect and destroy unwanted particles, taste issues, and odor issues.

More Effective than Chlorination

You may use chlorine to disinfect your pool water, for example, so you know that it is an effective way to eliminate bacteria or other problems in your water. However, did you know that using ozone on water is a more effective way to kill germs? The Water Research Center notes that ozone is a stronger germicide than chlorine and works in a very short period of time, making it rapidly effective, as well.

If you’re interested in purifying the water in your home, Ozone Pure Water can help. We offer water purification and filtration systems that will provide you and your family with clean, safe drinking water. For more information on our ozone water treatment systems or to place an order for your new system, call us today at 800-633-8469!