
Ozone Layer vs. Ozone Purification: How Ozone Protects Us

Ozone is a gas made out of three oxygen atoms that is naturally present in the atmosphere. Ozone that is located too close to the earth’s surface can actually be harmful to humans, animals, and plants, notes The Ozone Hole, but the ozone layer that is located in the Earth’s stratosphere is extremely important to the well-being of our planet. It’s why there is so much concern about the ozone layer deterioration that has taken place during the last few decades. There could be detrimental consequences for all of the living things on the planet if we aren’t careful about protecting the ozone layer. But why is ozone so critical?

The ozone layer is important because it absorbs ultraviolet-B radiation from the sun and stops a majority of the rays from reaching the Earth’s surface. Ultraviolet-B radiation can cause everything from skin cancer to cataracts in humans and it can damage plantlike, ecosystems, and even single-cell organisms. The ozone layer works as a shield for the planet, preventing much of this type of radiation from getting through to the Earth’s surface, and it also stops other contaminants from getting through, too. You may not be able to see the ozone layer, but it’s always there working to protect the people, animals, and plants that inhabit the Earth.

Ozone water purification performed by Ozone Pure Water’s equipment works in a similar way. Our devices help eliminate iron, sulfur, manganese, chemical chlorine taste, and other contaminants from your home or business water supply. Much like the ozone layer, it filters out everything that you don’t need in your water and helps to keep you, your family, or your staff safe from unwanted and harmful pollutants in the water.

Ozone Pure Water has been in business for more than three decades and can provide you with the ozone equipment you need to keep your water fresh, clean, and free of any potentially dangerous contaminations. Call us at 800-633-8469 today to find out about the water treatment and filtration options that we can provide for you.

Natural Ozone: How Ozone Forms Naturally In the Atmosphere

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last 15 or 20 years, you probably have an idea of just how important the ozone layer is to our planet. Ozone protects the Earth and, more importantly, the people, animals and all other living organisms from exposure to lethal UV radiation bombards the planet from the sun. If not for the ozone layer, UV radiation would kill off most living creatures outside of the world’s oceans and make it impossible for anyone to survive living on the surface. It’s why it’s so important for humans to be mindful of the pollution that is having a negative impact on the ozone layer.

Ozone FormationOzone is naturally formed in the atmosphere in two ways, as NOAA reports. First, stratospheric ozone – ozone that forms high up – reacts with UV rays and oxygen to create the ozone molecule (O3, as opposed to oxygen’s O2). Lower in the atmosphere, chemical reactions between hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide (and other gases) combine in sunlight to create what is known as tropospheric ozone.

While most of the talk surrounding the ozone layer involves the disappearance of it, there are several places on Earth where ozone forms naturally in the atmosphere very prominently. The highest ozone concentrations on the planet are usually found above places like Canada and Siberia, says The Ozone Hole. The ozone layer is especially thick in these areas, though it actually fluctuates based on the season. The ozone layer is typically about 25 percent thicker in the summer than it is in the winter over Canada and Siberia.

Conversely, there are also places where the ozone layer in very thin. For example, ozone layers are known to be thin around the equator, but regardless of where you are on the Earth, there is always some concentration of ozone present; it just fluctuates from place to place. Regardless, there is always some ozone naturally in the atmosphere above Earth due to the oxygen particles that exist there.

Much like the ozone layer that forms around the planet to protect it, Ozone Pure Water provides homeowners with products that create artificial ozone to protect you by purifying your air and water so that it’s as clean as it can possibly be. We offer whole home filtration systems that eliminate contaminants like iron, sulfur and manganese from water; ozone air pollution solutions that can get rid of mold, mildew, smoke, body odors and more from the air; and other excellent products designed to keep your air and water clean and pure. Call us at 800-633-8469 today to learn more about our products and services.

Water and Your Health: How Contaminated Water Can Affect You

Drinking water on a regular basis is really good for your body. That is, unless you are drinking water from a well or a plumbing system that has been contaminated.

Clean Drinking WaterIf you are subjecting your body to contaminated water, Livestrong points outthat you could be putting microbial pathogens like salmonella, organic compounds like pesticides, inorganic compounds like lead, and even radioactive elements like radon into your system. These contaminants can cause short- and long-term health effects and wreak havoc inside of your body.

Sometimes you have no idea that your water is contaminated until side effects develop a short time after drinking it. If you drink in microbes, for example, they will almost always make you ill immediately with symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting right after ingesting them. Other contaminants, however, can slowly build up in your body over time and cause huge problems down the road. The consumption of contaminated water has been linked thyroid diseases, cancer and more, which is why it’s very important for you to steer clear of drinking it at all costs.

Ozone Pure Water helps home and business owners to put their fears aside and get rid of the potential risk of contaminated water. We offer a variety of different types of ozone water filtration and purification, including cartridge filters, granular filter media and ultra-filtration, and we have filter tanks and control valves designed to remove iron, sulfur, biofilm and other contaminants from water. Our whole-house treatment systems will ensure that no contaminants make their way into your drinking water and allow you to enjoy the peace of mind that comes along with installing an ozone filtration/purification system. Plus, if you’re not sure of the quality of your water, our free water testing can give you a clear look at the quality of your water to identify contaminants or issues.

To learn more about the systems we currently have available, call Ozone Pure Water today at 800-633-8469.

A History of Ozone Purification

You’re probably familiar with the word “ozone” and know what the ozone layer that surrounds the Earth is. But did you know that the human discovery of ozone dates back almost 200 years?

Ozone was first discovered in 1840 by a chemist named Christian Friedrich Schonbein who called it ozone, deriving the name from the Greek word “ozein” that means scent, according to history posted by Epson and Ewell History Explorer in the United Kingdom. Schonbein detected a very unique smell when he first discovered it and named it accordingly.

In the years that followed Schonbein’s discovery, there were a lot of studies done on ozone and, in particular, its ability to serve as a disinfectant. The first ozone generator was built in Germany by inventor Ernst Werner von Siemens, according to the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, an effort of UNESCO. He pointed out that ozone might have practical applications when used to clean water.

Researchers in countries like the Netherlands and France continued studying its properties, and by the early 1900s, the French city of Nice started using ozone to clean water. It is often referred to as the “place of birth of ozone for drinking water treatment” today.

Other countries started using ozone soon after to clean their water supplies. While the discovery of chlorine led to some nations and cities moving away from using ozone for water treatment purposes, the potential side effects of chlorine disinfection – specifically, the production of harmful byproducts called trihalomethanes – forced many people around the world to reconsider the benefits of using ozone for treating water.

Ozone has been proven to disinfect water and remove microorganisms, including many of those that have developed a resistance to other disinfectants. It’s been a long road, but ozone has found its rightful place in the world of water treatment.

At Ozone Pure Water, we can show you how to get the water in your home as clean and filtered as it can possibly be through the use of ozone. Our whole house filtration systems can remove iron, sulfur and dangerous byproducts from your water supply, as well as eliminate biological contaminants. Our ozone purification systems can deliver you the purest water possible. If you are interested in installing a residential, commercial or industrial purifier system, contact us at 800-633-8469 today for more information.

Symptoms Caused by Contaminated Water

There are many people living in the U.S. who take the drinking water that comes out of their tap for granted. They have grown accustomed to getting a steady supply of clean, safe water delivered directly to their homes, so they don’t usually spend much time thinking about how lucky they are to have it.

They also don’t spend much time thinking about how they could be susceptible to ingesting contaminated water at times due to a variety of circumstances. There are times when drinking water can become contaminated for any number of reasons, and there are some dangerous symptoms that can come along with it. There are bacteria and viruses that can find their way into local water supplies and cause you to develop health problems that could range from a short-term illness to a long-term issue that requires extensive care and treatment.

There are some symptoms that you can look out for in the event of contaminated water making its way into your home. If microbial pathogens—or things like dysentery and salmonella—are in your home’s water, you will often experience flu-like symptoms. Some of these symptoms might include vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, cramping, and more. You should look out for these symptoms and have your home’s water tested if you experience them regularly. You should also look out for other symptoms that can build up over a long period of time before exposing themselves. Water contamination has been known to cause thyroid disease, cancer, and more in some people in the past. This usually happens when traces of arsenic, lead, and radon are found in water.

The best way to make sure that your home’s water does not become contaminated at any point is by installing one of the many filtration options offered by Ozone Pure Water Inc. We can help to purify your water by using one of our state-of-the-art systems. You can guarantee your water is as clean and safe as possible and eliminate any of the risk that comes along with having contaminated water delivered to your home. Call us at 800-633-8469 today to speak with a representative about the filtration we can provide for you.

The Advantages of Ozone Pool Systems

Swimming pools are popular for both recreation and fitness, but maintaining a safe pool environment requires treating the water to avoid the growth of harmful bacteria and other microorganisms. The traditional way of treating pool water has been with chemicals like chlorine or bromine. An increasingly popular option, however, is to use an ozone treatment unit. These are some of the benefits of ozone pool systems.


An Ozone Pure Water pool unit is designed to be easy to install. You can quickly and easily enjoy the benefits of ozone filtration in your pool. Our pool units are also designed to require only minimal maintenance.


Pool chemicals are expensive and require frequent testing to be sure the levels are not too low or high. An Ozone Pure Water pool unit is a cost effective solution for maintaining clear, clean, safe water in your swimming pool. Ozone filtration is more cost effective than chemical treatment.


You may still use chemicals in your pool in conjunction with an ozone treatment unit, but you will be able to use less than before. Reducing the chemicals that are added to the water not only saves time and money, it also reduces the risks of chemical exposure. Unpleasant chemical effects like rashes and red eye can be a thing of the past with an ozone pool filtration unit.


Ozone treatment is also more effective than chlorine for treating a number of dangerous microorganisms that can be a problem with pools. It is also effective at destroying many contaminants like oils that are found in pools.

Ozone Pure Water has been a pioneer in the water treatment industry for more than three decades. Our filtration units are the ideal way to maintain the water in your pool safely and effectively. Contact us today at 800-633-8469 to learn more about our pool units or other water treatment products.